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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Today was an interesting day. It was the first day that my boss was back. She asked me how it went and I gave her the book that was signed to me. She smiled and agreed. I spent the whole day in the office – more or less an internet cafĂ©. I made one report (the hard way), made documents on the computer, printed them, laminated them and then posted them. It took all day.

I had lunch with my boss and 2 concierges.. The concierge sure can talk. They talked nonstop during lunch.

There was 7 weddings today – 7 weddings on July 7, 07. 7 weddings on 7.7.7. Crazy stuff huh?

I grew a new toe! 7/10/07

So I took my bandage off today. I left a Band-Aid First Aid Advanced Care band aid on for the last 2 days. This “super Band-Aid” is supposed to let bacteria out and reduce the appearance of a scar. I have to agree – it worked! I grew the end of my big toe back with it. So – when I took the band aid off – I noticed it was peeling the scab off – and then I noticed the new, baby skin that was underneath it. It was so soft it reminded me of a baby. It was so shiny, it looked like an old mans bald head. None-the-less – I was happy to have spawned a new big toe. It also made me appreciate how much dead skin I have on my toes.

Work is going well. I am in training to be the Director of FUN!!! What a great title. I never in my wildest dreams would have, or could have dreamed of putting “Director of Fun” on my resume. Like I said before, all I need is my foot in the door and I WILL succeed!!!

I opened a local bank account. I am too cheap to pay the fees if I need money. $2 here and there adds up. I would rather pay 4 bucs a month for maintenance fees than 2 each time I take money out. They offered me $7000 in a personal loan just since I opened an account. I was pre-approved – no application was needed. I declined. I could buy a car – but I am making it by on a POS jeep.

I am constantly amazed at how well the island provides you with what you need. It is an amazing thing.
  • I am grateful that I grew a new toe in only a week.
  • I am grateful for all of my experiences that have led me here – and for all of the experiences I have yet to create.
  • I am grateful for my friends & family.

Life is good. I have a great tan. My hair is turning blonde – and it has not been blonde in 15 years – so I am pretty stoked.



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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

It is used for treating skin texture by improving the thickness of the skin epidermis and circulation.

Anonymous said...

So how do you maximize the Tvolve quantity of calories you burn on a treadmill? For weight loss, experts say that you'll need to exercise for among 30 minutes to an hour every day. you will need to test together with your physician before you begin this workout application to find out what you coronary heart price you have to be aiming for. You want to make sure you are running out at the intensity stage that's right (and safe) for you. For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement said...

There are three number one ways to perform this Use your caloric surplus accurately. A caloric surplus is when you Postdrox benefit extra calories than you burn. this is required for muscle boom, however truly gorging on meals with out a plan or exercising will virtually earn you extra body fats.the general rule of thumb for muscle gain is to take 15-20% more calories than you need to keep your weight. if you are already within this range, there may be no want if you want to add extra.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Testo Vital This chemical lowers the Testo Vital level of testosterone. Diabetes is also a motive of low testosterone. however, current research have found out that the relationship among diabetes and coffee Testo Vital testosterone isn't always thru growing sugar degree in however through extra fat.other than this plumpness, any other thing that could reason low testosterone is diabetes. but modern research have shed light on the fact that excessive stage of glucose is not an powerful thing that leads to low testosterone.For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

Similar to you make an effort Juggernox to apprehend your job thoroughly so that you can carry it out as best as you could, why no longer apprehend your body's requirements in relation to the goals you have set for it first earlier than plowing complete throttle into training in a way that you desire or assume is the quality exercise. if you make an effort to realize.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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